Monday, September 25, 2006

Finally back on the road

So last week was a tough week for me - really long hours in the hospital, though I saw two really cool cases on Thursday, and my knee was a total wreck after the six mile run last Sunday. was a new year - and my commitment to make the LV half is still there - so I needed to get back on track - need to figure out how I can replace my knee :). Anyway - so today was a Jewish fast day - we fast from sunrise to sunset (which was about 7:30 tonight) - I convinced my running partners that we should get our running week started. I kinda wanted to do a six-mile run - but they convinced me that was overly ambitious and too much this early on - especially since we have a bunch of weeks until the half (though SQ is hoping to run the half in Philly - maybe if I am off I can come and cheer you on - we shall see).

I started out and I was feeling really good - my knee was a drop tender but held up well through the first mile. I felt myself holding back - but I didn't want to overexert. At about the 2 mile point - my left knee just decided to go to absolute hell. I started getting shooting pain in the lateral part of my knee and there were points were it buckled and I almost lost my stride because of the pain. But I persevered on and made it back (maybe it was stupid). I think a lot of the problem with my knee had to do with all the stairs I was running up and down in the hospital - so hopefully since I am not working in that hospital anymore it will be better. As we were nearing the end - with about a quarter of a mile to go - one of my partners decided that it was time for her to sprint. I couldn't hold back anymore and sprinted to catch up with her and then ran the last bit. Though I didn't time it - it definitely felt like the fastest that I had run in the last few months. Amazingly, my knee felt better when I was sprinting/running than jogging - maybe I need to pick the pace up.

I don't know an exact time - I am guessing we did the 4 miles in about 41:30 maybe less, the last 2 miles i paced at about 19:30, way off my treadmill pace. It felt so good to be back running, I think I am reaching that point where I feel addicted. It is really fun to run with friends and thanks Danny and SQ - without you guys I would be much less motivated. I know you think you hold me back - but the truth is you keep me going. Thanks. So, if my knee holds up I would like to maybe another 4-miler, maybe shorter on wednesday - and a 7-miler on Friday assuming the body holds up.

In good news - I think it's time for new shoes for me - I think I have put close to 200 miles on them so far - in addition to a lot of other wear and tear. I have really enjoyed the GTS 6 that I have been running and will probably continue in a new pair - but I would like to go try on some others.

On a different note - a patient that I had been seeing for a few weeks had gotten transferred to a palliative care hospital (where she could live out the rest of her life in comfort, with her family being able to visit her whenever they wanted) last week. The hospital is across the street from where I live and I had decided to go visit her. Unfortunately, after she went there last Monday I didn't have any time last week - so I walked over this afternoon. When I got to the front desk they didn't have any record of her. I spoke to the admitting office only to find out that she had passed on two days after arriving there. I feel bad - I didn't get a chance to say goodbye, I didn't think that she would pass - I wish I had known - I would have gone last week. However, she is in a better place - she was in so much pain. You will be in my thoughts and prayers - I am sorry I didn't get to say goodbye.

Time to go to sleep - lots to accomplish tomorrow.


Blogger tinablue87 said...

It was a great run yesterday! I'm glad you initiated it.

9:46 AM  

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